Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy Independence Day, Indonesia

Hello everyone, and happy 17 August! It's Independence Day here in Indonesia, and it's raining pretty hard. Not much has happened here in a while, though I did give a speech on learning English effectively yesterday at an open house for the school. It was a great speech, but I was nervous as hell. Anyways, here are some older pictures for you all.

Here I am at the beach in Pelabuhan Ratu, early March.

Chrys and I with Sarah and Connor, her niece and nephew, at Assiniboia Downs in Winnipeg.

At the Museum of Natural History in Winnipeg. An old snowmobile for exploring.

I just thought the picture was funny.


Chrys on the Greyhound bus, on the way to Boston from Winnipeg. We're waiting at the crossing for the train, which took forever, and we had to cross paths several times. This is the same area where a few weeks ago, some guy decapitated another passenger for no reason.

Ok, so that's about it for now. Hope everyone is doing ok, and thanks for reading!