Monday, April 30, 2007


Nope, woke up @ 4:30 on 4/30 (actually, here it]'s 30/4). And just in time for morning prayers. It's kind of chilling to hear the wailing all around you. It's a little breezy on the roof, and in the middle of everyone singing "Allah ackbar!!", I saw a shooting star zip through the smog. That freaked me out to no end, so I hurried down and sat in my room. I could go for some nasi uduk right about now. I haven't eaten since the wedding about 14 hours ago.


I decided to take my gps and walk to work. it's about 1.75 miles from the apartment. On the way I stopped by Margo City. I got some pastries then some drinks. Walked the rest of the way to work, and I was a bit early, so I came to the internet cafe'. And that's where I am now. It's a few minutes past noon, and I'm gonna try and find something to eat. The other day I had McDonald's. They deliver. I had a burger and fries. Almost nobody uses ketchup, but copious amounts of sambal chili sauce squirted onto fries and burgers. Also, McDonalds serves fried chicken and spaghetti.

Ok, well I'm gonna go. TTYL!

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