Thursday, May 24, 2007



FDA and FTC be damned, you wouldn't believe some of the crazy stuff for sale on the home shopping networks here. Remember the one for the belt that zaps your abs, supposedly giving you a workout? Well apparently it hasn't caused burning and scarring here, because they're still selling them. There's also a sauna belt. Somehow, I don't think that wrapping a hot metal band around your waist is gonna do much. The only before and after shots were computer generated, and totally unrealistic. There's also another machine, this one you stand on like a skateboard, and each side pumps up and down really fast. All it does is make the muscles and fat in your legs jiggle really fast. The host was shouting and pointing at the jiggling legs. This contraption is currently selling for around $400 US, and I can't imagine it doing much more than giving you muscle cramps. But it was fun to watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just think about all of the business opportunities that exist
due to that open style of advertizing.