Monday, August 13, 2007


So, the weekend was pretty uneventful. "The Wrecking Crew" as we are called, Meg Chrys and I, went out Friday night to Amigo's. Damn expensive, but worth it. You can NOT find Mexican food anywhere. We had a pitcher of margarita's ($26) and it wasn't bad, but sorely lacking Triple-sec. After dinner, we went to a wine and liquor store, I got a bottle of Jamaican rum, Chrys got gin, and Meg had already gotten some Bacardi last weekend.

Saturday was a pretty lazy day, Meg and I just hung out around the house, and Chrys went to the stable to do her jumping practice. That night we ordered Italian from Barra Di Caffe, a little Italian place, had some gin tonics and rum 'n cokes. By the way, finding tonic water is almost as hard as finding liquor, I had to go to 3 different hypermakets to find it.

Sunday the 3 of us went to Citos, had dinner at some Portuguese chicken place (a had a steak with some fire-hot hot sauce), and saw the movie "Surf's Up". I have seen signs for the Simpsons Movie everywhere but nobody's playing it yet. Anyways, it was a funny, cute movie about penguins surfing.

So, I'll end with some pictures of the house, since no-one has seen it yet.


My bathroom. Jeremy and Megan share the house bathroom.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Meta is quitting, and when Felix returns from Colorado, he's gonna be our new DOS (Director of Studies). Well, that's al for now. Take care!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The house looks pretty nice, do you have someone to clean up after you, looks awfully clean.
Sorry I missed your call today.
sign up for the C2H3 Yahoo group.
You've been mentioned lately.