Monday, July 2, 2007



It's about 1 in the morning Sunday night. I'm listening to various versions of Pachelbel's Canon in D major. It's the only thing on my iPod shuffle, and I don't have iTunes to change anything on it, so I've been listening to it just about every night to help me sleep. I know it by heart now, it's a beautiful song. I read Stephen King's "Cell" and he made a reference to it while I had my headphones on. Anyways, one of the characters called it the "song of memories." It does invoke a lot of emotions. It reminds me of mom, because she had me put it on her iPod before she left on vacation. It also makes me think of a person who disappeared from my life for a long time, then returned.

Things aren't always awesome around here, and it's a comforting piece to listen to. I'm still tooling around with my guitar, and can kinda play bits of it on string 6. Oh, and I also figured out "Babes in Toyland" on String 5.

*sigh* well, I'll leave it at that. Keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

Jared...I'm so relieved to hear that you are feeling somewhat better and that you have one of my favorite tunes to relax to. We check everyday to see if you have posted because we miss you, but are so very proud of you for seeking out this experience. There is no where in the world that is truly awesome every minute of every day, but we know from first hand experience that you are having an adventure!! Take care of when you can. Love you...Mom

Unknown said...

Dear Jared,
We are glad you are feeling better. We thought you would really be roughing it. (Well, I guess your are sometimes!)
It is unbelievable that there are Outbacks and Chili's over there.
We are having Kristin and Kevin and family up here for three weeks. Baby Ryan is being baptised on Sunday and then we are having a party. I'll send you a funny pic of him to your email.
Keep up the blogging. We really look forward to hearing about your adventure.
Is there something we can send you? Just let us know and give us your address.
Love, Fred & Emily