Wednesday, May 9, 2007



It is Wednesday night right now, and I'm chillin' at the warnet next to work. Everyone's playing Warcraft, and there's loud rock n roll music playing.

Last night after classes ended, we piled into a car and rode to one of the malls down the street, because David had to exchange a shirt for the right size. After that was done, David and I had dinner at a little Italian Cafe next to the mall. David was well-known there, and they already knew what he wanted. The owner of the place asked me if I was a student here, and I told him that I was a new English teacher. He asked me, "Where are you from?" and I told him the US. Then he gave me the iciest stare o-O... David later said, "I felt that too! what was that about??"
That's the first time I've had any anti-American sentiment since I've been here. Anyways, the food came, and I couldn't find any loogies on the pizza, so I guess it was just a knee-jerk reaction...
So we took an angkot home, and Felix had just started the movie "Wild Wild West". I hadn't seen it before, and it was pretty funny. Felix says that all he does is watch movies. They're cheap, like 3 or 4 bucks for a DVD (pirated of course) and great quality.
Umm... lemme see, this morning I took an ojek to work to get a head start on planning for my classes. It's the High Flyer class that kills me. More than half the time is spent trying to keep the rugrats under control. Ariq and Nina are the worst little brats with A.D.D. that I've ever seen. They can't sit still, arg it drives me crazy. I also had my Trailblazers class, teenagers and preteens. They were good, but at the end of class Jonatan yelled out an expletive to another classmate, and had a look of death in his eyes. I pulled him aside after class, and asked if everything was ok. I've never seen anything like that before from such a young kid during a class (he's 11). Meta told me that he's been warned about that stuff. Jeremy kinda laughed and said he probably doesn't even know what it means. I tend to agree with Meta on this one, because he was clearly angry about something.
Well, I'm heading out, I'm meeting Meta for dinner at Zoe tonight. She said her driver can take me to convert my traveler's checks to rupiah tomorrow, which is good because I'm low on cash.

tata for now, and leave me some comments if you like!



Anonymous said...

oh, heh, had to find out how to leave a comment first.


Alison said...

Do the disgusting cats remind you of Atari? I bet you miss him. Did you check out the versace store, by chance? The food there sounds absolutely VILE.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jared !!!!! Thanks for your note. Glad to hear you made it safely. I deleted a message from you I did not recognize the raja (sp) was you. I have had no time lately, as jan has been with me. Warren returns tomorrow (sun.). Rick's Pa is now on payroll. he will work Fri for truck and also trick will be to get him gone by 1 PM so that the mice can play. Keep your chin up. Stay off the toilet. All say Hi !!!!!